Darkness controls 98% of the Population


I love statistics. Mostly because 82% of statistics are made up on the spot.

But I heard this one today and I am leaning towards agreement, and if not – it seems pretty darn close.

I heard that the darkness holds the power over the minds of 98% of the population.

How does it sit with you? Do you believe that you are within the 2% that hold their own power and who are above the mind control and influence of the darkness?

Do you think for yourself? Are you in control of your mind and do you act in accordance with your own thoughts and feelings?

If you eat too much and eat unhealthy, you are being controlled. If you have addictions or habits of any kind, then you are being controlled. Do you dwell on greed, looks, ego, popularity and vanity? Controlled.

Do you let TV, politics, public opinion, social media or even religion influence you too highly?

Do you fear death, hell or anything else? Controlled.

Unfortunately the control starts in the womb and takes hold of the young and puts its claws in young adults and then has you completely by the time you’ve reached adulthood.

Darkness has set things in motion to where they just sit back and watch as humanity eats whatever they feed it and not only that – begs for more.

If this upsets you or you are in disbelief… dare I say, controlled?

Only those who break free of the darkness’ chains and mind control truly live in the way that the light intended; As a free thinker without fear.

That means – question everything. Don’t allow the negative thoughts that seep into your mind take up residence, seed, grow and fester.

Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by mainstream things or things meant to divide us as a human race.

Know that every single person could break free from the darkness’ hold and that there would be plenty of resources, land and prosperity to go around.

We are fed fear day and night. Don’t buy into it in any form. And please don’t spread it.

Death is a part of life and anything that puts you in fear of that is tricking you. It’s part of what we are here to do.

To live. And to die. Both. They are both beautiful and purposeful and if you live without fear of death, you may be able to rise above the darkness waiting for those in fear at the gates.

Depression, anxiety, addiction, the need for power or control and drifting without purpose… all influenced by the darkness.

You have the option of taking back your power and refusing to be controlled any longer. Think for yourself and don’t be tricked by negative thoughts or outside influences.

You are a very powerful, beautiful and strong light being here with a purpose. Never forget that.

Photo credit: https://www.deviantart.com/muktapa/art/Control-the-hunger-of-darkness-is-not-442243513?fbclid=IwAR1T9_JZBM9MUjQhjo8EcdwGIUh3lUY60rkHLSsmG0nrdfsXLNWgpvKQXr8