Confessions of a liar


Imagine a world where telepathy and intuition rules. Figure out how you’re going to lie in that type of society.

It can’t be done. This has weighed heavily on my mind as we prepare to go into a new consciousness of transparency.

So… I’m a liar.

Please feel free to judge me, but this is coming from a place of pure honesty and I figured I better get this out there… before everyone can read my mind. Obviously, I try to steer clear from the “big” ones as much as possible, but still – it happens.

I also get that we will all probably just naturally be better people by that time, but, just saying.

I also conduct social science experiments every day. Some are friends, some are family and some strangers. The truth that I see from these experiments is – that lying has become almost a necessity of our current society.

I can hear people freaking out, “I’m not a liar, I always tell the truth.” And I’ll let you sit in that – as long as you’re comfortable with it.

I think – that everyone lies.

There are all types of lies. People call them “white,” they call them “harmless,” but when it comes right down to it – a lie is a lie is a lie. Period.

I know people who hate liars and criminals but they are not opposed to fluffing those tax returns because it’s “Only fair.” Lol, some one just realized that they are a liar.

But it is ok… and it isn’t. Being in a new relationship and lying to your significant other because you don’t want to hurt their feelings justifies it, right? Lying to your spouse about how much you spent at the store is alright, right? “No harm, no foul?” Right?

Wrong. All lies. And honestly, all won’t even be possible coming into the new consciousness, so again, it makes me ponder how we’re all going to survive.

Me? I’ve been a liar since I was very little. I saw the whole action = consequence scenario and thought; there must be a better way.

As long as it’s believable, no one rats you out (Happens all too often) and you can sleep at night… right??

I’m not bragging or proud, I’m actually confessing… Because honestly there were rare an occasion when I was in trouble and thought “You know what would work out best in this situation? Honesty.”

Nope. I took my chances rolling the lie dice and it followed me into adulthood. I thought that maybe I would stop when I had children, but I actually ended up lying more to my kids.

The weird thing is that I actually felt bad for lying to them about Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, so go figure.

Don’t get me wrong, since I’ve been awakened, I do everything I can not to lie. I even pause before I answer people to make sure it’s the truth, truth. But I’m still not perfect, by any means. If I don’t want to go do stuff, I lie and say I gotta go do other stuff. Sorry everyone!!

I have pondered almost daily as to why me? I’m an extremely imperfect person with a checkered past. So why would I get chosen to be awakened and to get the chance to know the truths and focus on being a better human?

And that’s why… because if I can do it, anyone can.

Just remember, in the not so far off future, we won’t be able to tell someone they don’t look fat in those jeans. Unless we mean it.

… which is why I don’t even ask!

