Awakened vs Asleep


What does it mean to be consciously “awakened?” And how do you know if you’re “awake” or “asleep?”

It honestly means different things to different people because we all experience a different version of something that happens to change our perception of the world, ourselves and others.

There are a few key things that come to my mind to differentiate between an awakened, or awakening, person and one who is still “sleeping.”

Sleepers focus on the 3D “matrix” world problems and are usually concerned with things like local and national “news,” politics, politicians, patriotism, country, illegals and protecting their gun rights.

They are actually quite comfortable being “controlled” by the 3d matrix governments and people who pull the strings behind the scenes because it’s what they know and are used to.

They believe that their generations are better than any others and that the newest generations are weak and lazy. They hold on to their ways and speak down about others that they do not understand.

They blame parents for not “kicking enough ass,” when what they don’t realize is that there is a reason for the newest generations and that they are super important, just as good AND – will eventually save the world.

Unfortunately, they do believe and/or feel that a war is at hand – but they are confused, usually by the media, about who (or what) it is we are truly at war with.

When you awaken, all of those things usually fall away because something in your heart softens and something in your mind switches on.

Peace, love, compassion, understanding and concern for things like the environment and animals.

Suddenly you may become concerned with one time use plastics and the ocean and you feel a common link with all of humanity. You may even become compassionate and realize that all other people are humans, (teehee) too, and that we all deserve a life of safety, “freedom” and plenitude of good food and clean water.

You become hyper aware of what you’re putting in your body and you start craving less sugar and processed food and more of organic, natural food.

You start reconsidering your career path and also weighing the options of the people and places you surround yourself with and put yourself in because the “energy” of it all affects you.

Synchronicities become almost ridiculous. Almost as if they are just showing off.

You may feel a spike in your intuition and even feel “psychic” at times.

You may notice that you can see and/or feel other dimensions around you and you become like the ghost whisperer.

Dreams may become vivid, maybe lucid and sometimes super strange.

You may start to feel more spiritual and reconsider your concept of God and religion.

Maybe you get a massive alien vibe and realize how connected we are to the stars. Then you may stand outside and wait for your alien friends to come and get you… maybe that’s just me.

Please do not get this twisted though… awakened people have a purpose and so do the sleepers. Awakened people must still coordinate to the best of our ability with the 3D matrix and sleepers until something massive changes and either wakes them all up, or…?

If you start hearing things like, “the collective,” “the light,” “warrior,” “star seed” or anything pertaining to these words or subjects, you’re probably in the middle of your awakening.

And if you don’t, then you may be one of the people who are asleep and you will only awaken when you are darned good and ready!!

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Confessions of a liar


Imagine a world where telepathy and intuition rules. Figure out how you’re going to lie in that type of society.

It can’t be done. This has weighed heavily on my mind as we prepare to go into a new consciousness of transparency.

So… I’m a liar.

Please feel free to judge me, but this is coming from a place of pure honesty and I figured I better get this out there… before everyone can read my mind. Obviously, I try to steer clear from the “big” ones as much as possible, but still – it happens.

I also get that we will all probably just naturally be better people by that time, but, just saying.

I also conduct social science experiments every day. Some are friends, some are family and some strangers. The truth that I see from these experiments is – that lying has become almost a necessity of our current society.

I can hear people freaking out, “I’m not a liar, I always tell the truth.” And I’ll let you sit in that – as long as you’re comfortable with it.

I think – that everyone lies.

There are all types of lies. People call them “white,” they call them “harmless,” but when it comes right down to it – a lie is a lie is a lie. Period.

I know people who hate liars and criminals but they are not opposed to fluffing those tax returns because it’s “Only fair.” Lol, some one just realized that they are a liar.

But it is ok… and it isn’t. Being in a new relationship and lying to your significant other because you don’t want to hurt their feelings justifies it, right? Lying to your spouse about how much you spent at the store is alright, right? “No harm, no foul?” Right?

Wrong. All lies. And honestly, all won’t even be possible coming into the new consciousness, so again, it makes me ponder how we’re all going to survive.

Me? I’ve been a liar since I was very little. I saw the whole action = consequence scenario and thought; there must be a better way.

As long as it’s believable, no one rats you out (Happens all too often) and you can sleep at night… right??

I’m not bragging or proud, I’m actually confessing… Because honestly there were rare an occasion when I was in trouble and thought “You know what would work out best in this situation? Honesty.”

Nope. I took my chances rolling the lie dice and it followed me into adulthood. I thought that maybe I would stop when I had children, but I actually ended up lying more to my kids.

The weird thing is that I actually felt bad for lying to them about Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, so go figure.

Don’t get me wrong, since I’ve been awakened, I do everything I can not to lie. I even pause before I answer people to make sure it’s the truth, truth. But I’m still not perfect, by any means. If I don’t want to go do stuff, I lie and say I gotta go do other stuff. Sorry everyone!!

I have pondered almost daily as to why me? I’m an extremely imperfect person with a checkered past. So why would I get chosen to be awakened and to get the chance to know the truths and focus on being a better human?

And that’s why… because if I can do it, anyone can.

Just remember, in the not so far off future, we won’t be able to tell someone they don’t look fat in those jeans. Unless we mean it.

… which is why I don’t even ask!



Part of the Collective

My subconscious “woke up” last year and some things are massively more significant to me now that I’m “plugged in” to the collective of souls. It’s incredible how information has been seemingly “downloaded” to me. For instance – magnets are now significant – and I don’t completely understand why.

Colors and numbers are also extremely significant now. I love seeing 11:11 and even 3:33. People’s auras are incredibly visible to me and I can also see and feel energies around them of what I believe to be people that are no longer there.

Streets that I grew up on and that I live on now seem more significant and I’ve only recently noticed. Right now I live on Temple drive which is hugely significant as to where I’m at with my spirituality. I’ve lived on 100 east several times. I lived on 5th Ave and M street (the number 5 and letter M being highly significant to me now) at a turning point in my life as well as Carr Fork Road when my life took its most interesting turn. I’ve lived on Borax and Brass drive when I was put through the ringer and the basis of my life was being forged.

I started using things like baking soda rubbing alcohol, dawn dish soap and lemon to clean and fix everything when prior I would have just used chemical cleaning agents and not thought twice.

I started drinking tea daily when I’ve never drank tea in my life. I started praying and meditating and saying names of lost loved ones out loud to acknowledge their presence around me.

I have incorporated spices like turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and things like lemon and honey into my every day life and for almost every remedy.

I use words like “manifestations”, “energy” and “benevolent” when I never used to.

I’ve had out of body experiences where I believe I was with others as they crossed over. I knew the details of their deaths at the moment it happened without any way of me knowing it was happening.

Death has taken on a whole new meaning for me and there is no fear of it anymore. I see it as a next chapter and something that I think will be depicted differently and as a part of life – in the future.

I have forethought about things that happen in the world such as earthquakes and fires and I feel emotions and feelings that are not seemingly my own.

I started caring about the planet on a level that I never have before and things like plastic water bottles became an issue in my mind that I can no longer contribute to.

I’ve known things about people without them telling me out loud and I have massive intuition and premonition.

I’ve been able to see a different perspective on things that used to be very clear cut or black and white. I absolutely disagree with war and killing for any reason and have a new found compassion and respect for all of humanity as well as creatures of the earth. I feel a deep connection that I never realized before.

Politics and government make me very uneasy but I can see a way brighter future coming sooner than you think.

I can see that the generations to come will rebuild politics and they will use compassion to solve the world’s problems and also heal the earth. They will completely redesign every facet of their lives to be better in tuned with their creator, with each other and with the earth.

I’ve been able to kick old habits that no longer served me as well as get my personal life into better balance than it’s ever been before. I am beyond grateful for being here at this time and for everything in my life – even the hard times.

I see social media as a blessing and a curse and I am aware that “control” is a factor in all of technology.

I have been able to let go of fear. Monsters, demons and the darkness lost their ability to scare and control me when I realized that I am more powerful than they are and that if I live and vibrate at a higher energy level than they can’t get near me. So now here I sit in the dark no longer afraid – because I realized  – that I AM the light.

All of these things have come into my mind within the last year and I see that they have come to so many other people as well and I just don’t believe in coincidences anymore. But I do believe in synchronicity and my life is abundant in that, and so many other things.

A lot has changed. Everything has changed. And I thank God for that every single day.


** Photo Credit: